Logging In
Your login and password is included in the user information that you submitted in your
application. This user information was verified by email when you applied and when your
account was first created. Remember that both your login and password is case sensative,
which means that you must enter them exactly correct.
User List
This is available to all users with the permission to "View User List". The User List is a list of
all members in the alliance, ordered by group. If a computer icon appears next to a user's
name, it means they are currently logged into the site.
User Profile
You can modify your user information in your profile. You can change your password, update
your Email Address or ICQ, as well as enter your Country Name and Number. While you are not
required to enter all your personal information, it is recommended for your alliance's
organization and security. The only things you cannot change are your Username and Display Name.
Spy Reports
The Spy Center lists all spy reports uploaded by your alliance, available to all
users with the permission "Intel User". It lists the Country Name and Number, Networth,
and the date of the status report. Click on the Country to view the spy report.
Uploading Spy Reports
To upload a spy report, view the HTML source code of the page containing the spy report.
Highlight the entire HTML content of the page, copy it (Control-C), and paste it (Control-V) onto
the form in Spy Center. Click "Upload Spy Report" and the spy report will be added to the list.
Voting Booth
You are able to vote in alliance polls in the Voting Booth. Users are restricted to vote only once per poll,
but you are free to change your vote at any time.
Site Messaging
New Messages
If you have new messages, there will be an alert at the top of your menu screen with the number
of new messages you have. Click the link to your inbox to view your messages.
Reading Messages
Your inbox contains all of your new and old messages. Click the subject of the message to
read it. When reading the message, you may choose to reply to, forward, or close the message.
These options are located above the message.
Sending Messages
To compose a new message, first you must select the recipients. Click the "To" which opens a
new window where you select recipients. Check all of the desired recipients, and click "Message To".
Fill in the subject and body of the message, and click "Send Message". When the message is sent,
your screen will display all the recipients of the message.
Deleting Messages
To delete messages from your inbox or outbox, check all of the desired messages and press the
"Delete Messages" button located on the bottom of the screen. To delete all messages, check the
"Select All Messages" box and press Delete. Please remember that once a message is deleted, it
can never be retrieved again.
Strategy Center
The Strategy Center is a place for all members with the permission "Strategy User" to upload thier own
status reports and recieve strategy help and advice for thier country. A closed folder indicates that
the status report can be viewed only by you, and an open folder indicates that the status report can be
viewed by both you and the Strategy Admins. You may upload an unlimited number of status
reports, but only one can be open and available to the Strategy Admins at a time.
Uploading Status Reports
To upload your country's status report, view the HTML source code of your country's status report.
Highlight the entire HTML content of the page, copy it (Control-C), and paste it (Control-V) onto
the form in Strategy Center. By default, your new status report will be open to the Strategy Admins.
Deleting Status Reports
To remove status reports, click the red delete icon next to the desired status report.
Logging Out
For security purposes, it is advised that you logout rather than just closing the browser window. This will
also update the server and keep it running fast and smooth for other users on GHQNET.